luns, 17 de xuño de 2013

servizo de correos

The subs themselves made Jonstone posible by obeying his imposible orders. I couldn´t see how a man of such obvious cruelty could be allowed to have his position. The regulars didn´t care, the union man was worthless, so I filled out a thirty page report on one of my days off, mailed one copy to Jonstone and took the other down to the Federal Building. The clerk told me to wait. I waited and waited and waited. I waited an hour and thirty minutes, then was taken in to see a little grey-haired man with eyes like cigarette ash. He didn´t even ask me to sit down. He began screaming at me as I entered the door.

“You´re a wise son of a bitch, aren't you?”
“I´d rather you didn´t curse me, sir!”
“Wise son of a bitch, you´re one of those sons of bitches with a vocabulary and you like to lay it around!”

He waved my papers at me. And screamed: “MR. JONSTONE IS A FINE MAN!”
“Don´t be silly. He´s an obvious sadist, “ I said.
“How long have you been in the Post Office?”
“3 weeks”
“What does that have to do with it?”

I believe the poor fellow actually wanted to kill me. He and Jonstone must have slept together.
“Al right,” I said, “ Jonstone is a fine man. Forget the whole fucking thing. “ Then I walked out and took the next day off. Without pay, of course.

When Jonstone saw me the next 5 a.m. he spun in his swivel and his face and his shirt were the same color. But he said nothing. I didn´t care. I had been up to 2 a.m. drinking and screwing with Betty. I leaned back and closed my eyes. At 7 a.m. Jonstone swiveled again. All the other subs had been assigned jobs or been sent to other stations that needed help.

“That´s all, Chinaski. Nothing for you today.”
He watched my face. Hell, I didn´t care. All I wanted to do was to go to bed and get some sleep.
“O.K Stone,” I said. Among the carriers he was known as “ The Stone ,” but I was the only one who addressed him that way. I walked out, the old car started and soon I was back in bed with Betty.
“Oh, Hank! How nice!”
“Damn right, baby!” I pushed up against her warm tail and was sleep in 45 seconds.

But the next morning it was the same thing: “That´s all, Chinaski. Nothing for you today.” It went on for a week. I sat there each morning from 5 a.m. to 7 a.m. and didn´t get paid. My name was even taken off the night collection run.

Post Office
Charles Bukowski
Black Sparrow Books, 1971

traducida ao galego por Alejandro Tobar e publicada como

Servizo de Correos
Editorial Hugin e Munin

Os propios auxiliares eran os culpables de que Jonstone estivese onde estaba, por obedeceren as súas ordes imposibles. Eu non acababa de comprender como a un home dunha crueldade tan evidente se lle permitía ter un cargo como aquel. Aos fixos aquilo tanto lles tiña e o representante sindical era coma se non existise; isto foi o que me levou a escribir un informe de trinta páxinas aproveitando un dos meus días libres; enviei unha das copias a Jonstone e a outra ao Edifico Federal. Un tipo que traballaba alí díxome que agardase, e carallo se agardei. Agardei unha hora e media. Despois leváronme onda un  homiño de pelo cano cos ollos coma a cinza de cigarro. Nin tan sequera me pediu que sentase. Falou a berros en canto traspasei o limiar da porta.
-Así que é vostede un fillo de puta resabido, eh!
-Sería un detalle que non me insultase, señor!
-Fillo de puta resabido, é vostede un deses fillos de puta con certo vocabulario que goza indo por aí dando leccións!
Axitou os meus papeis diante miña. Berrou:
-          Déixese de parvadas. Resulta obvio que se trata dun sádico- dixen.
-          Canto tempo leva vostede traballando para o Servizo de Correos?
-          3 semanas.
-          Iso que ten que ver?
-          Dixen que O SEÑOR JONSTONE É UN BO TIPO! Coido que aquel pobre home quería liquidarme. Seica durmira co Jonstone…
-          De acordo – dixen -, Jonstone é un bo tipo. Esqueza todo este puto asunto.Marchei e pedín para min o día o seguinte.  Sen paga, por suposto.

Cando ao día seguinte Jonstone me viu aparecer alí ás cinco da maña, fixo virar a súa cadeira e, malia que a súa cara era da mesma cor ca súa camisa, non dixo ren. A min importábame tres carallos. Non me deitara até as dúas da madrugada, estivera bebendo e fodendo con Betty. Recosteime pechando os ollos.
Ás sete da maña fixo virar novamente a súa cadeira. O resto de auxiliares tiñan asignadas tarefas ou foran enviados a outras estafetas para prestar axuda.
-Iso é todo, Chinaski. Hoxe non hai nada para ti. Ollou para min. Que hostias, tanto me tiña. O único que quería era irme deitar e durmir un pouco.
-Moi ben, Pedra – dixen. Entre os carteiros coñecíano como "A Pedra", pero eu era o único que me dirixía a el desa maneira.
Saín, puxen en marcha o meu vello coche e pouco despois volvía  estar de volta no leito, canda Betty.
-Ai, Hank!, que ben!
- Aí falaches! – Arrimeime ao seu cu morno e 45 segundos despois xa estaba durmido.
Pero á maña seguinte, de novo a mesma cantilema.
-Iso é todo, Chinaski. Hoxe non hai nada para ti.
E con estas pasou unha semana. Sentaba alí cada mañá de cinco a sete sen recibir un peso. Mesmo borraran o meu nome do frenético reparto nocturno.

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