martes, 4 de xuño de 2013

harry potter e a cámara dos segredos

Harry hated the disappointment in his voice. For some reason, he was unable to look Dumbledore in the eyes, and spoke instead to his knees. He told Dumbledore everything except that Mr. Weasley owned the bewitched car, making it sound as though he and Ron had happened to find a flying car parked outside the station. He knew Dumbledore would see through this at once, but Dumbledore asked no questions about the car. When Harry had finished, he merely continued to peer at them through his spectacles.
We’ll go and get our stuff,” said Ron in a hopeless sort of voice.
What are you talking about, Weasley?” barked Professor McGonagall.
Well, you’re expelling us, aren’t you?” said Ron.
Harry looked quickly at Dumbledore.
Not today, Mr. Weasley,” said Dumbledore. “But I must impress upon both of you the seriousness of what you have done. I will be writing to both your families tonight. I must also warn you that if you do anything like this again, I will have no choice but to expel you.”
Snape looked as though Christmas had been canceled. He cleared his throat and said,
Professor Dumbledore, these boys have flouted the Decree for the Restriction of Underage Wizardry, caused serious damage to an old and valuable tree — surely acts of this nature —”
It will be for Professor McGonagall to decide on these boys’ punishments, Severus,” said Dumbledore calmly. “They are in her House and are therefore her responsibility.” He turned to Professor McGonagall. “I must go back to the feast, Minerva, I’ve got to give out a few notices. Come, Severus, there’s a delicious-looking custard tart I want to sample —”
Snape shot a look of pure venom at Harry and Ron as he 19allowed himself to be swept out of his office, leaving them alone with Professor McGonagall, who was still eyeing them like a wrathful eagle.
You’d better get along to the hospital wing, Weasley, you’re bleeding.”
Not much,” said Ron, hastily wiping the cut over his eye with his sleeve. “Professor, I wanted to watch my sister being Sorted —”
The Sorting Ceremony is over,” said Professor McGonagall. Your sister is also in Gryffindor.”
Oh, good,” said Ron.
And speaking of Gryffindor —” Professor McGonagall said sharply, but Harry cut in: “Professor, when we took the car, term hadn’t started, so — so Gryffindor shouldn’t really have points taken from it — should it?” he finished, watching her anxiously.
Professor McGonagall gave him a piercing look, but he was sure she had almost smiled. Her mouth looked less thin, anyway.
I will not take any points from Gryffindor,” she said, and Harry’s heart lightened considerably. “But you will both get a detention.”
It was better than Harry had expected. As for Dumbledore’s writing to the Dursleys, that was nothing. Harry knew perfectly well they’d just be disappointed that the Whomping Willow hadn’t
squashed him flat. Professor McGonagall raised her wand again and pointed it at Snape’s desk. A large plate of sandwiches, two silver goblets, and a jug of iced pumpkin juice appeared with a pop.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
J.K. Rowling
Bloomsbury, 1998

traducido ao galego por Eva Almazán

e publicado en galego como Harry Potter e cámara dos segredos
Editorial Galaxia, 2002

Harry non aturaba o ton de decepción da súa voz. Pola mesma razón foi incapaz de lle mirar a Dumbledore para os ollos, e no canto diso falou mirando para os xeonllos. Contoullo todo a Dumbledore excepto que o cohe enfeitizado era propiedade do señor Weasley, facendo que soase coma tal que el e Ron foran dar por casualidade cun coche voador apàrcado á saída da estación. Era consciente de que Dumbledore non ía comungar con semellante roda de muíño e, sen embargo, non lle fixo pregunta ningunha sobre o coche. Cando Harry rematou a historia, non fixo máis ca seguir a fitalos a través dps anteollos.
—Imos recoller as nosas cousas —dixo Ron cunha voz de esperanza perdida.
—Pero que di, Weasley? —espetoulle a profesora McGonagall.
—E logo? Non estamos expulsados? —preguntou Ron.
Rapidamente, Harry mirou para Dumbledore.
—Polo de agora, non, señor Weasley —dixo Dumbledore—. Pero teño que recalcarlles ós dous a extrema gravidade dos seus actos, Hoxe mesmo heilles escribir ás súas familias. Tamén é o meu deber advertilos de que, se se chega a repetir algo parecido, non terei máis remedio ca expulsalos.
Snape puxo unha cara que nin que suspendesen o Nadal. Rascou a gorxa e dixo:
—Profesor Dumbledore: estes cativos quebrantaron conscientemente o Decreto sobre a Restricción da Feiticería Xuvenil, causáronlle grave dano a unha árbore centenaria de enorme valor... Sen dúbida, actos desta natureza...
—A decisión sobre que castigo lles será imposto a estes rapaces é competencia da profesora MCGonagall, Severus —dixo Dumbledore calmosamente—. Son alumnos da súa casa e están, xa que logo, baixo a súa responsabilidade —volveuse cara á profesora McGonagall—. Minerva, eu debo volver ó banquete: teño que facer uns cantos anuncios. Acompañádeme, Severus, hai unha torta de crema que dá gloria vela e non quero pasar sen probala.
Snape resignouse a se deixar sacar so seu propio despacho, non sen antes lanzarlles a Harry e a Ron unha mirada de puro veleno; quedaron sós coa profesora McGonagall, quen seguía fitándoos tal que unha aguia iracunda.
—Será mellor que pase pola enfermería, Weasley, fíxose sangue.
—Non foi nada —dixo Ron, apresurándose a pasar a manga pola brecha que fixera na cella—. Profesora, eu quería ver a Escolla de miña irmá...
—A Cerimonia da Escolla xa rematou —dixo a profesora McGonagall—. A súa irmá está tamén en Grynffindor.
—Ai, que ben —dixo Ron.
—E falando de Gryffindor...—empezou a dicir con severidade a profesora McGonagall, pero Harry coutoulle a fala.
—Profesora, cando collemos o coche, aínda non empezara o curso, así que... Así que en xustiza non lle deberían descontar puntos a Griffindor, verdade que non? —rematou, e quedou mirando para ela, expectante.
A profesora McGonagall fulminouno coa mirada, mais el quedou convencido de que pouco lle faltara para sorrir. En calquera caso, desapertara un chisco a boca, iso si.
—Non lle vou descontar puntos a Griffindor —dixo, co cal diminuíu notablemente o peso que Harry sentía no corazón—. Pero vostedes van levar un castigo.
Saíran mellor parados do que Harry esperaba. Canto á carta que Dumbledore lles ía mandar ós Dursley, ela e nada eran todo un. Harry sabía perfectamente que o único que lles ía causar era desilusión por que o salgueiro zoscón non o dese esmagado de todo.
A profesora McGonagall volveu alzar a variña e apuntou cara ó escritorio de Snape. Cun ¡plin!apareceron unha gran bandexa de bocadillos, dúas copas de prata e unha xerra de zume de cabaza ben fresquiño.

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