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segundo as cancións,
o Baluarte das Tormentas fora edificado por Durran, primeiro rei das tormentas,
que conquistara o amor da bela Elenei, filla do deus dos mares e a deusa dos
ventos. na noite do seu casamento, Elenei renunciara á súa virxindade polo amor
dun mortal condenándose así a pasar coma unha mortal, e os seus pais,
pesarosos, desencadearan as súas iras e enviaran os ventos e as augas para
derrubar a fortaleza de Durran. os seus amigos e irmáns e os convidados á voda
resultaron esmagallados baixo os muros derrubados ou foron dar ao mar, mais
Elenei protexeu a Durran entre os seus brazos e por iso nom sufriu dano algún,
e cando finalmente amenceu el declaroulle a guerra aos deuses e xurou que
volvería construír.
the songs said that
Storm's End had been raised in ancient days by Durran, the first Storm King,
who had won the love of the fair Elenei, daughter of the sea god and the
goddess of the wind. on the night of their wedding, Elenei had yielded her
maidenhood to a mortal's love and thus doomed herself to a mortal's death, and
her grieving parents had unleashed their wrath and sent the winds and waters to
batter down Durran's hold. his friends and brothers and wedding guests were
crushed beneath collapsing walls or blown out to sea, but Elenei sheltered
Durran within her arms so he took no harm, and when the dawn came at last he
declared war upon the gods and vowed to rebuild.
outros cinco
castelos construíu, cada un máis grande e poderoso que o anterior, tan só para
velos escachizados cando as galernas entraban ouleando na Baía Afundebarcos, precedidas
de enormes muros de auga. os seus señores pregábanlle que construíra terra dentro;
os seus sacerdotes que aplacara os deuses devolvéndolle a Elenei ao mar,
incluso os seus servos lle imploraban que cedera. Durran nom atendeu a ninguén.
erixiu un sétimo castelo, o máis enorme de todos. algúns dixeron que os fillos
do bosque lle axudaran a construílo, labrando as pedras con maxia; outros
aseguraban que un mozote lle indicou o que debía facer, un mozote que medraría
ata converterse en Bran o Construtor. contárano como o contaran, o final do
conto era o mesmo. inda que os deuses nom facían máis que botarlle encima
tormenta tras tormenta, o sétimo castelo aguantou desafiante, e Durran Pesar
dos Deuses e a bela Elenei moraron alí xuntos ata o fin dos seus días.
five more castles he
built, each larger and stronger than the last, only to see them smashed asunder
when the gale winds came howling up Shipbreaker Bay, driving great walls of
water before them. his lords pleaded with him to build inland; his priests told
him he must placate the gods by giving Elenei back to the sea, even his
smalfolk begged him to relent. Durran would have none of it. a seventh castle
he raised, most massive of all. some said the children of the forest helped him
build it, shaping the stones with magic; others claimed that a small boy told
him what he must do, a boy would grow to be Bran the Builder. no matter how the
tale was told, the end was the same. though the angry gods threw storm after
storm against it, the seventh castle stood defiant, and Durran Godsgrief and
fair Elenei dwelt there together until the end of her days.
tradución por @xindiriz
extract from CATELYN III, in A Clash of Kings
extract from CATELYN III, in A Clash of Kings
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