sensible que
ninguén requería
e soñou como xuntaría con
alí, cedo no seu
compañeiro mudaría
e entón atraeuna ao lugar
que coñecía, mundo de
Xerarquía e Poder
e alí comezou ela a morrer,
se murchara unha flor
comezou quebrando corazón no
interior, só
soubo cousa que lle podía
volvela ao mundo seu de
sentimentos, que
gañas de vivir volvera atopar
e alí ao comezar ela a
viu algo que
non tiña visto
que tampouco era daquel
un gardaboleiro, tiña sido.
que camiñaba entre dous
agora finalmente entendía
e así decidiron facer casa
en ningún dos dous mundos,
en fronteira
co bosque máxico
He spied her in a magic wood, a
sensing creature in need of none
And dreamed of how he’d join her
there, his partner she would soon become
He lured her back to the place he
knew, a world of hierarchy and of power
And there she then began to die, as
surely as a wilting flower
His heart began to break inside, he
knew only one thing to give
Return her to her sensing world,
that she might find the will to live
And there as she began to bloom, she
saw something he’d never seen
That he was not of that world either,
a Gadoodleborger, he had been.
That he walked between two worlds,
he now had finally understood
And so they made their home in
neither world, at the edges of the
magic wood.
tradución a catro mans - Olga Lalín e xindiriz
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