venres, 13 de xaneiro de 2012

proposta de traballo "Dreamin' Of You"

Bob Dylan ... xa sabedes, no allo dende nin se sabe ... e inda fai cousas coma esta ... Dreamin Of You, de 2008 e incluída en Tell Tale Signs (8th) ...

the light in this place is really bad
like being at the bottom of a stream
any minute now
I'm expecting to wake from a dream

cheguei á canción cando busquei sobre o tradutor de Faulkner ... o tal Miguel Martínez-Lage (dos dous falaremos cando tempo veña) no seu días impares, colgou só días antes de morrer un texto que falaba dela ...

maybe you were here and maybe you weren't
maybe you touched somebody and got burnt
the silent sun has got me on the run
burning a hole in my brain
I'm dreamin' of you, that's all I do
but it's driving me insane

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