domingo, 22 de xuño de 2014

proposta de traballo "Rime of the Ancient Mariner"

'Rime of the Ancient Mariner' in Powerslave

Hear the rime of the ancient mariner
See his eye as he stops one of three
Mesmerizes one of the wedding guests
Stay here and listen to the nightmares of the sea.

And the music plays on, as the bride passes by
Caught by his spell and the mariner tells his tale.

Driven south to the land of the snow and ice
To a place where nobody's been
Through the snow fog flies on the albatross
Hailed in God's name, hoping good luck it brings.

And the ship sails on, back to the North
Through the fog and ice and the albatross follows on.

The mariner kills the bird of good omen
His shipmates cry against what he's done
But when the fog clears, they justify him
And make themselves a part of the crime.

Sailing on and on and north across the sea
Sailing on and on and north 'til all is calm.

The albatross begins with its vengeance
A terrible curse a thirst has begun
His shipmates blame bad luck on the mariner
About his neck, the dead bird is hung.

And the curse goes on and on at sea
And the curse goes on and on for them and me.

"Day after day, day after day,
we stuck nor breath nor motion
as idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean
Water, water everywhere and
all the boards did shrink
Water, water everywhere nor any drop to drink."

There calls the mariner
There comes a ship over the line
BUt how can she sail with no wind in her sails and no tide.

See...onward she comes
Onward she nears out of the sun
See, she has no crew
She has no life, wait but here's two.

Death and she Life in Death,
They throw their dice for the crew
She wins the mariner and he belongs to her now.
Then, crew one by one
they drop down dead, two hundred men
She, she, Life in Death.
She lets him live, her chosen one.

"One after one by the star dogged moon,
too quick for groan or sigh
each turned his face with a ghastly pang
and cursed me with his eye
four times fifty living men
(and I heard nor sigh nor groan)
with heavy thump, a lifeless lump,
they dropped down one by one."

The curse it lives on in their eyes
The mariner he wished he'd die
Along with the sea creatures
But they lived on, so did he.

and by the light of the moon
He prays for their beauty not doom
With heart he blesses them
God's creatures all of them too.

Then the spell starts to break
The albatross falls from his neck
Sinks down like lead into the sea
Then down in falls comes the rain.

Hear the groans of the long dead seamen
See them stir and they start to rise
Bodies lifted by good spirits
None of them speak and they're lifeless in their eyes

And revenge is still sought, penance starts again
Cast into a trance and the nightmare carries on.

Now the curse is finally lifted
And the mariner sights his home
spirits go fromhe long dead bodies
Form their own light and the mariner's left alone.

And then a boat came sailing towards him
It was a joy he could not believe
The pilot's boat, his son and the hermit,
Penance of life will fall onto him.

And the ship sinks like lead into the sea
And the hermit shrives the mariner of his sins.

The mariner's bound to tell of his story
To tell this tale wherever he goes
To teach God's word by his own example
That we must love all things that God made.

And the wedding guest's a sad and wiser man
And the tale goes on and on and on.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge escribiu The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (1797-1798), un texto con amplas repercusións na cultura anglo-saxona e noutras. Unha delas este 'track' do grupo británico de 'heavy-metal' Iron Maiden.
Podemos traballar sobre o texto da canción, que reflicte parte do poema orixinal, ou traballar directamente sobre este, ou traducir ao galego as wikipedias correspondentes.

xoves, 5 de xuño de 2014

consellos para rapazolas
capa da reedición en inglés
Mark Twain, 1867

as rapazas boas non deberían facer pucheiros aos seus profesores por cada pequena ofensa. Só se debería recorrer a esta represalia baixo circunstancias especialmente graves

se non tes máis que unha boneca farrapenta rechea de serraduras, mentres que unha das túas ‘compas’ de xogos, máis afortunada, ten unha cara de porcelana, deberías, sen embargo, tratala con marcada amabilidade. E non deberías tentar forzala a cambialas a non ser que a túa conciencia cho xustifique, e saibas que es quen de facelo

nunca deberías quitarlle á forza a goma de mascar ao teu irmanciño; é mellor engaiolalo coa promesa dos dous primeiros dous dólares e medio que atopes flotando no río enriba dunha pedra de afiar. Coa simpleza inocente connatural a estas idades, considerarao unha transacción perfectamente xusta. En todas as épocas do mundo esta ficción eminentemente plausible ten atraído o infante obtuso á ruína e desastre financeiros

se a calquera hora ves necesario corrixir a teu irmán, non o fagas con lama – nunca, baixo ningunha circunstancia, lle botes lama, porque lixaraslle a roupa. É mellor escaldalo un chisco con auga quente, pois deste xeito obterás o que desexas. Asegúraste a súa atención inmediata ás leccións que lle estás a inculcar, e ao mesmo tempo a auga quente tenderá a eliminar as impurezas da súa persoa, e posiblemente a pel, a tiras

se túa nai che manda facer algo, equivócaste ao negarte. É mellor e máis atractivo facerlle entender que farás como che di, e logo actuar tranquilamente na materia segundo os ditados do teu mellor xuízo

sempre deberías ter presente que é aos teus amables proxenitores a quen debes a túa comida, ou o privilexio de quedar en casa cando deixas caer que te atopas mal. Polo tanto, deberías respectar os seus pequenos caprichos, e rirlle algo as grazas, e soportar as súas pequenas pexas ata que se comecen a exceder

as rapazolas boas sempre deberían ter especial deferencia cara a xente de idade. Nunca deberías ‘ser pillabana’ con eles a menos que eles ‘sexan pillabáns’ primeiro

tradución mala: @xindiriz
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