sábado, 29 de setembro de 2012

asociacións internacionais de tradutor@s

AITC - association internationale des traducteurs de conférence

CEATL - European Council of Literary Translators' Associations

CIUTI - conférence internationale permanente d'instituts universitaires de traducteurs et interprètes

Clearing House - Unesco Clearing House for Literary Translation

EAMT - European Association for Machine Translation

EST - European Society for Translation Studies

EUATC - European Union of Associations of Translation Companies

GALA - Globalization and Localization Association

IATIS - International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies

tradución e interpretación na Comisión Europea

EUR - Lex (lexislación comunitaria)

base de datos terminolóxica IATE

EMT (master en tradución a nivel europeo)

EMCI (master en interpretación a nivel europeo)

venres, 28 de setembro de 2012

proposta de traballo "common myths"

representación do proceso de interpretación
tirado de Translation and Interpreting: Languages in Action (2009) European Commission, pp. 4-5

common myths …

on translation:

“To translate, all you need is a good dictionary.” FALSE
Translation is a profession. If a good dictionary were enough, bad translations would not be so common. (Think of all those incomprehensible instruction manuals or amusing hotel notices!)

“Good translators don't need dictionaries or reference documents.  They just translate.” FALSE
Research is an essential part of translations Translators need to analyse and take a critical look at sources of information and terms in glossaries.

“My trilingual secretary can do all my translations.” FALSE
Even if someone can speak or write in a foreign language, they can't necessarily produce a good translation.

“If you have a good knowledge of two languages, you can translate any text from one of them into the other.” FALSE
Although a few people can work into more than one target language, as a rule translators specialise in one direction only. Passive and active command of a language are not the same. Furthermore, a literary translator is not necessarily able to translate a legal contract, while a translator of management textbooks is not the obvious choice for medical literature.

“Translators will soon be replaced by computers.” FALSE
Some machine translations are very good, but computers will never translate as well as humans because the nuances and subtlety of human language are still beyond the grasp of artificial intelligence. But the increasingly powerful computer applications on the market today are a great help to translators.
... on interpretation:

“Translation and interpreting are the same thing.” FALSE
Although translation and interpreting have a lot in common, they are separate professions requiring different skills and different types of training. You can be a good interpreter without being a good translator; and vice versa.

“To be an interpreter, you just need to know languages.” FALSE
Interpreting is a profession. If you want to interpret anything more challenging than routine conversations, you need to learn special techniques that cannot be improvised.

“I know Portuguese and Finnish, so I can interpret into those languages.” FALSE
You can only interpret into a language if you know it perfectly. Ideally it should be your mother tongue. Interpreters must react and process information quickly and put it clearly, eloquently and without too many ums and ahs.

“Any interpreter will do. I don't need a conference interpreter.” FALSE
Conference interpreter is the title used for interpreters who are university graduates and have been trained to a very high level. They don't only interpret at conferences. Not all interpreters have had this training.

domingo, 23 de setembro de 2012

proposta de traballo "hells bells" & "back in black"

nas nosas vidas ás veces soan as badaladas do inferno

HELLS BELLS (1980) - AC/DC, Young, Young & Johnson

I'm a rolling thunder, a pouring rain
I'm coming on like a hurricane
my lightning's flashing across the sky
you're only young but you're gonna die

I won't take no prisoners, won't spare no lives
nobody's putting up a fight
I got my bell, I'm gonna take you to hell
I'm gonna get you, Satan get you

hell's hellsYeah, hell's hells
you got me ringing
hell's bells
my temperature's high,
hell's hells

I'll give you black sensations up and down your spine
if you're into evil you're a friend of mine
see my white light flashing as I split the night
‘cause if God's on the left, then I'm stickin' to the right[

hell's bells, Satan's comin' to you
hell's bells, he's ringing them now
hell's bells, the temperature's high
hell's bells, across the sky
hell's bells, they're takin' you down
hell's bells, they're draggin' you around
hell's bells, gonna split the night
hell's bells, there's no way to fight, yeah

pero sempre debemos voltar inda co luto posto

BACK IN BLACK (1980) - AC/DC, Young, Young & Johnson

back in black
I hit the sack
I've been too long I'm glad to be back
yes I'm, let loose
from the noose
that's kept me hanging about
I keep looking at the sky
‘cause it's gettin' me high
forget the hearse 'cause I'll never die
I got nine lives
cat's eyes
usin' every one of them and running wild
'cause I'm back
yes, I'm back
well, I'm back

yes, I'm back in black
back in the back
of a Cadillac
number one with a bullet, I'm a power pack
yes, I'm in a bang
with a gang
they've got to catch me if they want me to hang
cause I'm back on the track
and I'm getting to flac
nobody's gonna get me on another rap
so look at me now
I'm just makin' my play
don't try to push your luck, just get out of my way
'cause I'm back
yes, I'm back
well, I'm back

outta sight

martes, 18 de setembro de 2012

(algunh)as linguas europeas

linguas en Europa (in English)
anacos de lingua tirados da “vida real” (texto escrito e gravación dos mesmos)
linguas e sistemas de escritura de todo o mundo

alemán (166 millóns)

azarí (21 millóns)
bielorruso (7,6 millóns)

castelán (500 millóns falantes)

checo (10 millóns)

francés (200 millóns)

grego (12 millóns)
húngaro (13 millóns)

inglés (1500 millóns falantes)
italiano (62 millóns)

neerlandés (21 millóns)
polaco (46 millóns)
portugués (240 millóns)

romanés (26 millons)
ruso (277 millóns)
serbio (cirílico) (19 millóns, sumando serbio, croata e montenegrino) & serbio (latino)
sueco (8,7 millóns)

turco (75 millóns)
ucraíno (39 millóns)

NOTA: os datos do número de falantes están tomados desta páxina (número de hablandes nativos) e destoutra (número de falantes) e máis esta (list of languages by number of native speakers)

REFERENCIA à Field Guide to the Main Languages of Europe (fifth edition, 2011) “Appendix – Text samples online”, pp. 23-24.

sábado, 8 de setembro de 2012

o gardaboleiro

en bosque máxico espiouna, criatura
sensible que ninguén requería 

e soñou como xuntaría con ela
alí, cedo no seu compañeiro mudaría

e entón atraeuna ao lugar
que coñecía, mundo de Xerarquía e Poder

e alí comezou ela a morrer, coma
se murchara unha flor 

comezou quebrando corazón no interior, só
soubo cousa que lle podía dar

volvela ao mundo seu de sentimentos, que
gañas de vivir volvera atopar 

e alí ao comezar ela a florear,
viu algo que non tiña visto

que tampouco era daquel mundo,
un gardaboleiro, tiña sido.

que camiñaba entre dous mundos,
agora finalmente entendía

e así decidiron facer casa
en ningún dos dous mundos, en fronteira
co bosque máxico


He spied her in a magic wood, a
sensing creature in need of none

And dreamed of how he’d join her
there, his partner she would soon become

He lured her back to the place he
knew, a world of hierarchy and of power

And there she then began to die, as
surely as a wilting flower

His heart began to break inside, he
knew only one thing to give

Return her to her sensing world,
that she might find the will to live

And there as she began to bloom, she
saw something he’d never seen

That he was not of that world either,
a Gadoodleborger, he had been.

That he walked between two worlds,
he now had finally understood

And so they made their home in
neither world, at the edges of the
magic wood.

tradución a catro mans - Olga Lalín e xindiriz
"gadoodleborger," enlace ao blog de Donna Williams