"the lost thing" fala dun rapaz que pasa o tempo aumentando a súa colección de chapas ata que da con algo, algo perdido e sen dono.
"the red tree" conta o día dunha rapaza de pelo raro, un día que semella vai ser igual que todos.
na web de shaun tan hai material para difuminarse un rato e, quizás, atopar.
aquí unha interpretación de LUCÍA CASTRO GARCÍA sobre "the lost thing", cal é a vosa?
In my opinion lost things are memories we have from the time we were children. As we grow up they begin to disappear becoming something strange to us. What can we do in order not to forget them?
Some people think it is a pity to lose memories from our childhood. However, others say that they are silly things because when you are a child you don’t know anything about life.
The protagonist of this short film believes that dreams and memories from the past are important to our present life because they help us to develop as a person.